Blog – Learning & Developing

  1. Learning in the Age of Tutorial

    Learning in the Age of Tutorial

    Lately I have been thinking a lot about learning in the age of the tutorial and how it compares to actually learning a craft. When I look around me, it seems like most digital natives excel at the former and have at least some trouble with the latter... Read more

    Hugo Veeger Hugo Veeger | | Reading time: ± 1 min.
  2. Lost and Found: Generation Z

    Lost and Found: Generation Z

    Lost: We can say whatever we want about the importance of being unique, but let’s admit it is always nice to belong. Belonging to some type of people allows us to reflect on ourselves and enables our development. One morning I’ve read an article about... Read more

    Milda | | Reading time: ± 1 min.
  3. Give them Knowledge and Games

    Give them Knowledge and Games

    The definition: Modern Learner — a person who likes learning what he wants and when he wants. Or one who’s learning needs or habits are changed by their distracting environments.  Features: overwhelmed, distracted, impatient. In the need of: personalized... Read more

    Milda | | Reading time: ± 2 min.
  4. Animated loading indicator with isometric cubes

    Animated loading indicator with isometric cubes

    In general people don't like to wait. And no matter how fast we make our application there will always be something that takes time to process. But in many cases, if the user is informed, they will be more patient. Fortunately, CAPP Agile Learning Read more

    Matthijs Kuiper Matthijs Kuiper | | Reading time: ± 6 min.